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Get Back on Track with Your Fitness & Nutrition: Overcoming Plateaus & Setbacks

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Woman with muscle tape in the shoulder

We’ve all been there. You’re doing a great job with your fitness and nutrition routine, seeing results, feeling great, and then suddenly – it stops. Whether it’s a plateau that seems to hold you in place or a setback that throws you off track, it’s a common part of the fitness journey. But the good news? You can overcome it and keep moving forward.

Let’s explore how to get back on track, break through those frustrating fitness plateaus and handle setbacks like a pro.

Assess and reset your goals

Sometimes, the root cause of a plateau is simply because your body has adapted to your current routine. The same workouts that once brought progress are now no longer challenging enough to cause a change response.

The answer to this problem is relatively straightforward. First of all, it’s time to reassess your goals. Ask yourself:

  • Are your goals still realistic and aligned with where you want to be?
  • Is it time to switch up your workout intensity or type of exercise?
  • Are you ready, willing and able to make the adjustments needed to get the results you want? (if you’re not sure what’s needed, this could be a good opportunity to hire a coach or other professional to help you figure this out).

A shift in perspective can reignite your motivation and give you a clear direction on where to go next.

Vary your workouts

When it comes to fitness plateaus, routine can be your worst enemy. Your body is incredibly adaptable, so doing the same workouts over and over can lead to stagnation. If body transformation is one of your goals, you’ll need to mix it up!

  • Try a new workout class, change up your strength training routine, increase your weights or focus on different muscle groups.
  • If cardio has been your focus, incorporate more strength training, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), or mobility work.

The goal is to challenge your body in new ways, and that might be the push it needs to get back into gear.

Prioritise rest and recovery

One of the most overlooked reasons for plateaus is not giving your body enough time to recover. Overtraining can cause fatigue, burnout and lead to decreased performance, which could make it feel like you’ve hit a wall.

  • Make sure you’re getting adequate sleep.
  • Incorporate active recovery days, like gentle yoga, stretching, or walking.
  • Consider incorporating rest days to allow your muscles to repair and grow.

Sometimes, slowing down can actually speed up your progress. Proper recovery is key to sustainable results, so make sure you plan for it accordingly.

Focus on nutrition

Fuelling your body with the right nutrients in the right quantities is crucial for breaking through plateaus and coming back from setbacks.

Even small tweaks in your nutrition can make a big difference.

  • Increase your intake of lean proteins to support muscle recovery and growth.
  • Add more whole foods like fruits, veggies, and healthy fats to your meals.
  • Stay hydrated – even slight dehydration can impact your performance and recovery.

A balanced diet will help ensure your body has everything it needs to keep pushing forward.

Embrace mindset shifts

Setbacks, whether due to illness, injury, or just life, can make you feel like you’ve lost all your progress. But instead of seeing it as a failure, view it as an opportunity to reset and make whatever adjustments are required to stay ‘on the bandwagon’ as best you can. This is about consistency and progress over perfection.

  • Remember that fitness is a lifelong journey – setbacks are just part of the process.
  • Use this time to reflect on what has worked well and what hasn’t.
  • Focus on small wins – they add up and can keep your mindset positive and forward-focused.

The key is to embrace flexibility, knowing that your body is resilient, and with the right mindset, you can bounce back stronger than before.

Celebrate non-scale victories

Sometimes, breaking through a plateau requires shifting your focus away from numbers on the scale or how you think you ‘should’ look. Non-scale victories (NSVs) are often a much better indicator of progress:

  • Are you feeling more energised?
  • Do your clothes fit differently?
  • Are you able to lift heavier or complete more reps in your workouts?

Recognising these small but powerful wins can boost your motivation and keep you moving forward.

Consistency over perfection

Setbacks often come with guilt or frustration, but what matters most is consistency – not perfection. If you’ve fallen off track, don’t wait for the ‘perfect’ time to get started again. Ease back into your routine by:

  • Starting small – aim for 10 minutes of movement if that's all you have.
  • Scheduling workouts like appointments.
  • Building habits that fit into your current lifestyle, rather than overhauling everything at once.

Small, steady efforts will build momentum and help you overcome plateaus and setbacks in a sustainable way. 

To sum up

Overcoming fitness and nutrition plateaus and setbacks is all about staying adaptable, listening to your body, and focusing on the long game. Also, give yourself the grace to not do things perfectly all the time. It’s more important that you keep going for consistency than try to achieve perfection for an all-or-nothing approach.

Everyone experiences roadblocks on their fitness and nutrition journey, but with the right strategies, you can break through and keep progressing. Embrace the ups and downs – they’re a normal part of the process that you can’t control. The important thing is to keep moving forward, no matter how small the steps may seem.

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